
The Executive Board consists of all elected and appointed officers and standing committee chairmen, and is a 2-year commitment.  The Board is responsible for managing the affairs of the Club, including authorizing new standing committees; authorizing the acceptance of all applications for membership; determining meeting places and dates, and changing the dates of meetings if necessary.  The Executive Board meets monthly prior to the regular membership meetings.  Special meetings of the Executive Board may be held at any time and at any place when called by the President or by five or more members of the Executive Board. 

Executive Board

President - Astrid Piesch

1st Vice President -Gretchen Sheets

2nd Vice President - TBD

Annual Event Chairs: Yuletide -TBD, Plant Sale - Judy Dickstein

Recording Secretary - Ann Sexton

Corresponding Secretary - Diane Benson

Treasurer - Jean Hefner



Past President Sheila Toomey

Kelly Conetta

Judy Dickstein

Carol Groebel



Academic Awards - Maureen Flaherty

Awards - TBD

Conservation - Katie Dunn

Federation Liaison - Jan Todd

Floral Design - Cynthia Chace

Historian - Dottie Guiney

Hospitality - Ann Charron

Junior Gardeners - Astrid Peisch, Maureen Flaherty

Membership - Kelly Conetta, Diane Benson, Mary Eisenhauer and Judy Dickstein

Memorial Books - Marcia Diekmann

Newsletter - Whit Leffel

Nominating - Sue Reagan

Parliamentarian - Marcia Diekmann

Publicity & Social Media - Deirdre Coyle Jr. and Barb Canney

Senior Center (Willcutt) - Becky Ivey and Kim Chapdelaine

Sister Club - Debbie Jenks

Special Events - Ann Charron

Town Beautification - TBD

Lightkeeper’s Cottage - Terese D’Urso

Website - Toni Wallace, Astrid Peisch

Yearbook - Diane Benson